Privacy Policy

Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist has updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the new General Data Protection Regulation.


We have to clearly disclose what data is being collected by Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist and how, why it is being processed, how long it is being retained, and if it is being shared with any third-parties.

Your Data and Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist

You have Right of Removal on your personal data held by any company, so if you would like Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist to remove and therefore delete your data or any specific information from it, please email us at detailing what you want removed.​

Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist will not contact you directly with any news or promotions, so if you’d like to keep up to date with us, please subscribe to our email Newsletter or follow our Facebook page

What data is being collected?

Contact Information and Health Details relevant to your treatments, as well as information on treatments or services you may be interested in.


How do we collect data?

Directly from you

Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist collect data from direct engagement with you, or someone acting on your behalf*; verbally and in writing (both electronic and paper correspondence).  We will clearly ask for each item of information and explain why it’s needed when doing so; you will always be aware of what data you are providing.

*Data provided on your behalf is verified to be correct or updated if necessary, in person, at the time of your appointment. 

From your therapist

Data on your health relating specifically to your treatments at Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist may be collected by your therapist during treatment.

Full treatment consent and records are a legal requirement.

How and why is this data processed?

Contact Information

Added to our remotely hosted, secure booking system, your contact information is used only to: make, confirm, amend or cancel bookings; contact you with updates to our customer policies and your rights; advise currently and recently attending clients of address, service or price changes only when relevant.

Health Details – Treatment Records

Health information on your consent form and treatment records is used by the therapist delivering your treatment to establish that treatment is safe for your condition and which service would be most beneficial to you. 

Health Details – Booking System

Health information may be added to your client record on our booking system.  These notes are for your therapist’s reference and also used to establish that treatment is safe for your condition and which type would be most beneficial to you.


How long is it being retained?

Data relating to current clients is retained indefinitely. 

Data relating to previous clients is retained for up to 7 years from their last appointment, in line with retention requirements, but may be deleted before this time where it is deemed unreasonable or unnecessary to retain that information, or if removal is deemed to be in the previous client’s best interests.


Do we share you data with third parties?

Barbara Johnson Skin Specialist never shares client data with any party not directly linked to the client as their service provider.  The data is still processed in line with regulations, and is only shared for administrative and service delivery purposes, not promotional purposes.

Booking System

Our online booking system is remotely hosted by a third party company, Treatwell.  We outsource this because their systems provide us with the necessary levels of security and integrity to handle client data, and employees of the third party company have no unauthorised access to the information.

If you have any queries please contact us at

Thanks very much!

Barbara Johnson